BIGGER Concert Series ft. Leigh Harrold (+ friends!)
What doesn’t kill you makes you recklessly defiant.
My pianist friend Leigh Harrold has a concert series this month titled ‘BIGGER’. It’s a reworking of his ‘BIG’ series from 2021 that was left incomplete due to COVID and personal reasons.
There are 5 concerts, and 5 guest artists joining Leigh on stage, featuring works of 27 different composers. You can find more details on his concerts here.
Here are the digital artworks that I put together for this series. He was after rectangular banner designs for each concert that could be used on social media, such as Facebook. There was also a square design that would contain a summary of all the concerts from the series.
‘BIGGER’ seeks to celebrate the themes of collaboration and resilience through joy and optimism. My goal was to create designs that were fun, bold, and quirky that would go well said themes, and relate visually to the unique titles of the concerts.
Concert 1: BIGGER Fish to Fry
Concert 2: A BIGGER Boat
Concert 3: BIGGER (and smaller)
Concert 4: BIGGER on the Inside
Concert 5: The BIGGER Picture
BIGGER Series Summary